Launched a B2B e-commerce website with 1 million products in less than 3 months for the largest wine & spirits distributor serving 250,000+ customers
One of the premier beverage distributors in the United States with operations in 44 states. The company distributes more than 1,500 alcohol beverage brands from around the world and markets, promotes, merchandise and distributes to over 250,000 different chain and independent retail and restaurants across the country.
Challenges & Goals
- Source, curate, convert, store and make available for use over 1 million pieces of multi-dimensional descriptive content from different online and offline data sources.
- Develop a B2B eCommerce website that will help the client to improve customer loyalty, market coverage and cater to the needs of 250,000+ customer base.
Our Solution
- Our team evaluated the type of content (text & images) available in different formats and at different data sources.
- Created a data transformation strategy to not only source but to converting over 1 million pieces of content in the product framework decided.
- Our team of content and technology experts validated all sourced, curated content for all branded items the distributor carried.
- As our team was sourcing, curating and transforming the content, the client’s team had insights into the content being built and progress through a real-time dashboard.
- Valethi built a content management platform to automatically build pages and push content to the e-commerce portal.
- The system will also be used by the client’s team to add new content or updated old content easily.
- Now the platform acts as a centralized system for all the parties – supplier, retailer and client to interact, place orders, manage distribution and transact electronically.
We created a highly scalable B2B e-commerce website which hosts 1 million products and makes it easy for all stakeholders including more than 250,000 customers to transact electronically which resulted in lower operational costs, improved operational efficiency and improved supplier and retailer experience.
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